Top 25 Real Estate Investment Over Last Two Decades

Top 25 Real Estate Investment Over Last Two Decades

Most of us that have lived on Anna Maria Island for the last decade know Anna Maria Island real estate has been a fantastic investment.  Take into account the option to rent seasonally and pull in at least $50,000 gross income for a 3 bedroom Anna Maria Island property with a pool and the rate of return is even more staggering.

In late April, 2018 Minda Zetlin created a list of cities with the title, “If you bought a home in 1998 in one of these ten cities you might be 1 million dollar richer.”  Eight of the cities are in California with two breaking the trend.  At number 7 on the list, Kailua, Hawaii has an estimated profit of $785,000 after selling.

Wonder what other city outside of California made the top 10 list?  Bet you guessed it, Anna Maria, Florida coming in at number 5 with an estimated SOLD profit of $866,000.  Of course many of us take this information with a grain of salt and maybe there are a few smaller cities that missed the list but lets remember Anna Maria city is made up of less than 1,000 households.  Anna Maria City is already pretty small.

The article goes on to estimate the 5 year profits from renting a home in Anna Maria City is $285,000 or $56,000 per year.  Unfortunately the details of the forecast are not supplied however in my experience without debt service the estimated profit is reasonable.  Yes, since 1998 there are a few more rental regulations to be concerned with but nothing that cannot be navigated and I supply some help in a previously written Anna Maria City rental blog, here.

Guess who made the list at 23 out of the top 25?  Holmes Beach!  Estimated profitability, $523,000.  This is very impressive considering Holmes Beach has about 1/3 of its transactions as condos which inherently are more than half the base value of single family homes.

Once again, are we surprised?  If you are please give me a call and would love to educate you on the Anna Maria Island Investment real estate market.

Larry Chatt

Larry Chatt

Bridge Street Market in Bradenton Beach

Bridge Street Market in Bradenton Beach

If you have visited our wonderful little island of Anna Maria, then you have probably been to Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach. If you haven’t, then you’re missing out on a lot!
Especially if you are on the Island anytime between November and April. Because that is when the Bridge Street Market takes place!

Bridge Street Market is held from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm every Sunday in November, through April. The market is located at 107 Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach. Visit your favorite vendors and enjoy fantastic food, beautiful art and jewelry, great local musicians, fresh produce, and much more!

Address: 107 Bridge St, Bradenton Beach, Florida 34217
Contact Number: (215) 906-0668

Holmes Beach City Rental Investment Information

Holmes Beach City Rental Investment Information

Holmes Beach rental guidelines are extremely complicated and this post is an introduction into Holmes Beach Rental information.  It is critically important that you find a real estate professional that understands all zoning requirements for all three cities of Anna Maria Island.  First lets start with zoning in Holmes Beach City and how it relates to rentability.  Rentability in Holmes Beach can be defined in five general categories.

Rent nightly – 365 guests per year
Rent weekly – 52 guests per year
Rent monthly – 12 guests per year
Rent monthly – less than 12 guest per year due to condominimum bylaws
Rent annually – 6 months or more.  Normally referred to as tenant.

Below is the current Holmes Beach Zoning map.  I would ALWAYS suggest verifying the zone your property is in by calling Holmes Beach City hall and confirming what they have on record.  The map is not 100% accurate from property to property however it does paint a picture for Holmes Beach zones.

R1 and R1 AA zones may only be rented for 30 days or more.  There has been a great deal of discussion in the past that one guest per month is acceptable however the code does dictate 30 day minimums so if you are purchasing a Holmes Beach property for rental income be sure to utilize 30 day minimums as your reference for income to be sure you use a conservative approach rather than an aggressive approach when calculating potential revenue.  The typical buyer for these zones is someone who would like to stay multiple months and perhaps rental income is nice to have but not necessary to fiscally maintain the property.

R2-R4 zones can be rented a minimum of 7 nights.  Holmes Beach does have a vacation rental ordinance which requires annual inspections for vacation rentals in these zones.  The typical buyer for these zones is someone who would like to rent the property weekly for the vast majority of the calendar.   A word of caution if you anticipate living in the property or visit for multiple months.  R2-R4 zones are primarily filled with seasonal vacation rental homes so your neighbors normally change weekly or monthly.  If you require significant rental income for your Anna Maria Island property then consider the impact later if you plan to live at the property permanently or a good portion of the year.

A1 zones can be rented nightly and it is zoned for high tourism.  It is up for discussion if A1 properties require inspections however in my humble opinion inspections are not required for A1 zones and not subject to the Holmes Beach Vacation rental ordinance.  I must state again, this is my opinion however after several years I have not registered A1 properties via the vacation rental ordinance in Holmes Beach.  The typical buyer for this area is someone who wishes to be close to the beach and maximize rental income as well as minimize maintenance on the property since the vast majority of properties in the A1 zone are condominiums.

C1 – C3 zones are primarily commercial areas of Holmes Beach which are not residential friendly.  If you are considering a commercial property be sure to find a sales professional that has assited in the buying and selling of multiple commercial properties in Holmes Beach.  This is extremely complicated and if someone is informing you that you may rent a C1 – C3 property on a seasonal basis then I strongly suggest more research at Holmes Beach City hall is initiated.  I can help with commercial property as I have personally bought, sold and developed on Holmes Beach Commercial property.

Take note, if you plan to rent your Holmes Beach or Anna Maria City property.  Each of the two cities currently require inspections on an annual or two year basis.  Bradenton Beach is currently working to modify their ordinance to require much of the same.  Why is this mentioned?  If the property you are considering has not been rented since 2015 then “owner improvements” which have not been permitted may cause significant grief.  Normally cities do not inspect properties unless there is a significant reason to do so.  However, once the property is signed up for one of either two cities to enter the seasonal rental pool that will trigger an inspection.  Ground level usage in an elevated home may require permanent removal by the city.  For sure non permitted work will be found and the improvements that may be adding value to the property being considered may be required to be torn out upon the Vacation rental required ordinance.

Do yourself a favor and PLAN to register your property as a vacation rental in the appropriate city.  DO NOT plan to slip under the radar as all cities have become fairly effective at finding vacation rental advertising and linking it back to the property.

Buy a property on Anna Maria Island as a seasonal vacation rental is very complicated.  Be sure to use a full time real estate professional with your search.  No weekend warriors or non Anna Maria Island Real Estate professionals.  There is too much at stake and each city has complicated ordinance that can significantly impact value if all characteristics of the property are not taken into consideration.  I have written a blog to help you find the right real estate professional however I know any of our full time sales professionals at Island Real Estate would love to help.  Happy hunting and good luck.  Larry Chatt

Choose the Right Anna Maria Island Real Estate Professional

Choose the Right Anna Maria Island Real Estate Professional

Choose the Right Anna Maria Island Real Estate Professional

Anna Maria Island real estate is very complicated.  Three cities with different zoning as well as rules and regulations is a strong start.  Not to mention vacation rental registration requirements vary in each city as well as their inspection criteria.  Follow that up with Coastal Construction lines to be concerned with, riparian rights as well as rentability and it creates an equation for a disaster if a buyer tries to go it alone.  An Anna Maria Island property is too large of an asset to risk not finding the right real estate professional to help with your once in a lifetime purchase.  Of course this is where I would provide a “plug” for Island Real Estate sales professionals as we only have full time sales professionals in our office.  While the rest of Anna Maria Island in recent years has doubled their sales staff.  Over the last decade Island Real Estate has only added two full time sales professionals that combined have sold real estate ON Anna Maria Island for more than 40 years.  I have heard too many horror stories of buyers using a friend or friend of a friend that truly is a weekend warrior.  A Sarasota or Tampa real estate professional will be hard pressed to understand the zoning and rentability requirements for Anna Maria City, Holmes Beach as well as Bradenton Beach.  It is just next to impossible to keep up with multiple areas and city rules and regulations.  I do however recognize there are great real estate professionals in other organizations on Anna Maria Island.  For real estate professionals outside of Island Real Estate be sure to use my supplied questions below to help you make sure you have found one of the “good one’s.”  Check out below.

A)  Is their office located on Anna Maria Island?  If the answer is “no” then likely you should move on and there are no further questions to be asked.   A follow up question if you are not ready to move on quite yet is ask them if they live or at least own property on Anna Maria Island.  If neither of these is true I strongly suggest move on to another professional that lives and breathes Anna Maria Island.  There are way too many changes on the island not to enlist a locals help.  For example, did you know pools in Holmes Beach count towards the non permeability of the land?  
B)  Use some of the zoning information I have provided in my Holmes Beach or Anna Maria City rental posts and ask the real estate sales professional specific questions on rentability of zones in the City you plan to purchase in.  All FULL TIME local sales professionals should be aware of at least one of the three zones you ask about.
C)  Ask if there are any occupancy restrictions in Anna Maria or Holmes Beach?  If you wanted to rent out to 16 people is that allowed?  If the sales person answers “no problem” without caveats then RUN and run FAST, that is away.
D)  Finally, I have heard too many buyers be guided that rental income will cover their mortgage.  Perhaps back in 2015 this were true, the capital expenditure to purchase an Anna Maria Island property along with operational expenses could be covered by rental income.  If your real estate professional is informing you rental income will cover all your expenses please call or email me for a second opinion.  

I am always happy to help answer questions you may have about Anna Maria Island real estate.  Feel free to email or give me a call on my direct line.  ( or (941) 345-1288.  I pre-apologize it can sometimes take 48 hours to return calls as well as emails but I am happy to help with questions you may have.

I hope the questions above help to find the right sales professional for your Anna Maria Island real estate search.  Anna Maria Island real property can be extremely complicated and don’t leave your large asset purchase up for chance.  Good luck and happy hunting!

  Larry Chatt

Anna Maria Island History – BP Oil Spill

Anna Maria Island History – BP Oil Spill

The BP oil spill otherwise known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a significant event for Anna Maria Island although it took place more than 250 miles away.  April 20th, 2010 on the BP operated Macondo Prospect there was a wellhead blowout which caused fatal explosions killing 11 people and injuring 17 others.  The blowout caused more than 4,900,000 barrels of oil to be spilled into the Gulf of Mexico making it the worst oil related industrial accident in the history of the world.

The oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico at unprecedented rates caused panic among Anna Maria Island visitors and residents for more than three months when BP was able to complete a “static kill” which finally contained the leaking wellhead.  The sheer magnitude of the continued BP oil spill in conjuction with concerns for oil washing up on Mississippi, Alabama, North West Florida and Louisiana created escalating concerns Anna Maria Island would never be the same.  Shuttering images of oil coated sea life created visitor cancellations as well as real estate transaction cancellations for several months.  Below is an estimate of the oil spill area.

Thankfully no oil washed up within hundreds of miles of Anna Maria Island beaches and life got back to normal by 2012.  Real Estate was quick to recover within the next 12 months and while visitation for 2011 was affected by 2012 Anna Maria Island visitors were back stronger than ever.  It’s never an exciting proposition to remind us our paradise is at risk every day but sure helps to be reminded how very lucky we are to visit and or reside in such a fantastic place.  Let’s hope many lessons of the BP oils spill have been learned and the world never has to endure another oil industrial catastrophe.

Public Library located in Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island

Public Library located in Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island

On those rainy days or when you’re just feeling like relaxing by the pool a good book is just the thing to make the day perfect when you’re staying at one of our luxury vacation rentals on Anna Maria Island. If you haven’t brought a book with you no worries, there is a public library on Anna Maria Island and it is located at 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217: For more information call (941) 778-6341 or visit the county’s website under the main menu of Libraries.

The Anna Maria Island Library’s Hours Are:

anna maria island library branch

Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 12pm – 8pm
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9am – 5pm
Sunday, Monday Closed

Note: They have several computers with World Wide Web access.  In addition, they have a wi-fi hot spot that is free however not secure.  Their children’s department is good with games, puzzles, etc.  You can take out VHS tapes, Audio tapes, puzzles, magazines, as well ad DVDs.

For visitors, there is a charge to join the library.  For local residents, there is no fee.

*As of December 2021 – masks and social distancing are encouraged but not mandatory.

Holmes Beach Branch Library
5701 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, FL, 34217
(941) 778-6341
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Whether you’ve been planning your trip for months or are looking for a last-minute getaway, there is so much to see and do when you stay on Anna Maria Island, from the beautiful sugar-sand beaches to the quaint shops and restaurants you’ll never get tired of exploring all this island including popping into the library to grab a book.

If you have any questions about booking an Anna Maria Island beach rental or about golf cart rentals – please feel free to call the office at 877-778-6066 to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable booking experts, or click “chat” in the lower right-hand corner! 

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Anna Maria City Real Estate Property Investment Information

Anna Maria City Real Estate Property Investment Information

If you are searching for a real estate investment in Anna Maria City and you are interested in earning rental income on your investment then look no further.  The following Anna Maria City rental information is intended to help buyers with zoning and deed restriction information.  Frankly Anna Maria City as well as Bradenton Beach are significantly different than Holmes Beach when it comes to zoning and rentability.  Let’s first make sure we define “Anna Maria City” property areas.  Anna Maria City property starts at Beach Avenue and angles it’s way to the South East along White avenue then follows a trajectory backwards towards Oak.  Best bet, consult the zoning map posted at Anna Maria City Hall.  For convenience I have provided the most recent Anna Maria Zoning map.   When reviewing the map, take note of Residential, Retail over Residential and Commercial zones in Anna Maria City.

Zoning:   With the exception of Residential over Retail (ROR) and Commercial zones which are primarily along Pine avenue and Gulf Drive, rental options for your potential Anna Maria City property are relatively easy.  Anna Maria City allows for nightly rentals.  Please be aware, while the city allows for nightly occupancy I strongly suggest that frequency is not followed.  Nightly rentals can cause a significant disturbance in the community.  I strongly suggest when purchasing any real property on Anna Maria Island that all income considerations are done using weekly rental estimates.  If you wish to rent in longer periods of time such as monthly or annually all section of Anna Maria City are open to such rentals with little to no restrictions.

Deed Restrictions; location and new construction:  It is important to note there are several areas within Anna Maria City which have deed restrictions which do limit both the number of times the real property can be rented as well as the length of time.  Most location Deed restrictions are located along the beach.  Unfortunately there is another set of restrictions which are more random throughout the City of Anna Maria.  Several years back, Anna Maria City provided permits to build for mostly homes larger than 4 bedrooms if the owner signed a deed restriction which limited the frequency the property could be rented.  The seller and real estate professional must disclose this information however it is best to ask during your review of the property are in place.  If Deed restrictions are provided to you at time of contract it is imperative you seek legal advice to review all restrictions to assure you may use your new found property as intended.

Occupancy Restrictions:  So we have established most of the City of Anna Maria can be rented weekly, monthly and annually.  There are some exceptions but 95% of Anna Maria City property has significant availability to rent.  There is one last set of circumstances to be concerned with, Occupancy restrictions.  Anna Maria City currently allows for two occupants per legal bedroom up to a 4 bedroom property.  For less than 4 bedrooms there is latitude to allow an additional 2 occupants.  Beyond 8 occupants there are limited options for weekly rentals in Anna Maria City.  The bottom line, if you are serious about seasonal renting and you are considering an Anna Maria City property then it is critical you research the occupancy allowed for the specific property.  Allowed occupancy is not zone related in Anna Maria City but litigation related.  If the property owner filed Bert Harris litigation in 2016 or beyond and won, that specific property will be grandfathered to allow for more occupancy than standard.  Of course occupancy and seasonal rental income have a direct relationship.  More occupancy typically provides for more income.  Less occupancy allowed means less income.

Anna Maria City Real Estate professional:  Hopefully our Anna Maria City Rental information provides an idea that a little knowledge can be very dangerous when purchasing a property in Anna Maria city as well as Anna Maria Island.  Please be sure you utilize an experienced Anna Maria Island real estate sales professional.  No weekend warriors allowed!  Do not utilize a friend located in another area of Florida to save a little commission or “throw them a bone.”  I have numerous horror stories that a new owner’s intention for a property was not allowed because experienced professionals were not used during the buying process.  This can happen to you!  It all starts with a real estate sales professional that provides accurate information as well as referrals to local experienced general contractors, bankers, inspectors, accountants and lawyers.  Sure, your best bet is just to utilize an Island Real Estate sales professional however if you want to perform your own research then visit our blog to help find the right Anna Maria Island sales professional.

I hope my Anna Maria city rental information page is helpful in assuring you find your “peace of paradise.”  Here is a link to the Anna Maria City Vacation Rental information however I would caution if this is your primary plan to assure you purchase the right piece of Anna Maria City property, stop NOW.  Your strategy is flawed.  Don’t go it alone,  you need a LOCAL real estate professional to help in your search.

Thanks for visiting – Larry Chatt

Choose the Right Anna Maria Island Real Estate Professional

Anna Maria Island Real Estate – How Is the Market?

Anna Maria Island Real Estate – How Is the Market?

Let me try to answer the age old question… “How is the real estate market on Anna Maria Island?”  This as anyone can imagine is a difficult question to answer.  This newsletter is meant to provide general real estate information about Anna Maria Island real estate but for sure there are several micro markets within Anna Maria Island real estate.  Not to bore you but below is a bullet list of our micro real estate markets.

  • Which city is the property in?  Anna Maria, Holmes Beach or Bradenton Beach?
  • Does the property have favorable rentability?  That is if duration and/or frequency is limited for vacation guests.
  • What is the location of the property as it relates to water?  Is the property gulf front, gulf views, canal, bay, open water and the list goes on and on.
  • Is the property a single family, condo or duplex?

As you can see it is dangerous to attempt to purchase property without a local full time real estate professional.  I can’t tell you how many proud new owners of property on Anna Maria Island called to receive help renting out their property and I was the bearer of bad news.  Either the location was too far from the beach or worse yet the property was restricted to 30 consecutive day rentals.  Normally when I asked who helped them purchase their property it was a relative from another area or a real estate professional in Sarasota or Tampa.  Please, dont do it!

At the top of the page is a proprietary chart that supplies more than 10 years of real estate data on Anna Maria Island only.  The blue vertical bars show by quarter the amount of real estate transactions.  The Red line shows the 1 year rolling average of property transactions.  The Green line shows the 5 year rolling average and the purple line shows the 10 year moving average.

Why am I showing you this chart?  This can be used to forecast when the market is getting close to a correction.  I usually like to use the 5 year moving average however some prefer the 10 year as the benchmark.  If you review the last year and half you can see the 5 year rolling average has leveled.  Most statisticians would also point to the areas where the 1 year rolling average dips below the 5 year average and of course points to a general trend of values going down on the island.  BUT, not so quick.  This is where micro markets are affecting the rolling averages.  Single family properties within 3 blocks to the beach have been appreciating very well while condos have not and have been flat at best for the last two years.  How muddy did I just make the water?  I hope pretty muddy and believe it or not my main point is that the answer of “how is the real estate market?” depends on AT LEAST the bullets I listed above.  Ask specifically about single family homes and my answer is “very well”, averaging double digit appreciation the last 5 years.  Ask about condos and my answer would be “not great.”  Inflationary appreciation for the most part and the real question is when will condos catch up to single family homes?  Sorry, don’t have that answer.  You can be assured if I see any of our supply and demand charts providing insight appreciation is coming I will be sure to provide that information in this blog.

Happy hunting…

Anna Maria Island Real Estate – Quarterly Review

Anna Maria Island Real Estate – Quarterly Review

Anna Maria Island Real Estate is a small micro market of Manatee County real estate.  Frankly over the years there has been enough disparity between Bradenton real estate let alone Manatee County real estate that it has made sense to measure Anna Maria Island Real Estate separately from local mainland real estate.  For more than fifteen years we have been tracking Anna Maria Island real estate transactions only.

We do find differences between the three cities when it comes to number of transactions as well as market pricing.  More specifically the same property located in Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Anna Maria City will most definitely have differing value.  Bradenton Beach likely due to the higher density of properties is normally valued less than Holmes Beach.  In addition, Holmes Beach real estate is valued a little less than Anna Maria City.

Finally there are significant differences in market value of a single family home, duplex and Condominium.  Using rough numbers we average about one vacant lot sold per month, two duplexes sold per month, ten condominiums sold per month and twenty single family homes sold per month for Anna Maria Island Real Estate.  Of course this is not 100% accurate but only to provide a rough estimate to see the absorption rate of varying property types.

Island Real Estate has several proprietary Anna Maria Island charts that we like to use to provide more insight into our real estate market.  Since our real estate marketplace is made up of primarily second home buyers it is important to provide data to overall trends of local real estate.  Our data provides a culmination of more than 15 years of data.  We focus on supply and demand to aide us in where we believe the Anna Maria Island real estate market is headed.  Rolling one, five and 10 year averages can provide insight into where the market is heading along with absorption rate charts.  The following real estate newsletters is our answer to help you with our local real estate market.

Island Real Estate has no weekend warrior real estate agents.  We only have full time real estate professionals and while most Anna Maria Island real estate companies are adding at least one sales agent on average per year, Island Real Estate has added two in the last ten years.  Why so few?  We believe only the best will do when it comes to helping customers with as large of an investment as purchasing on Anna Maria Island.  Just ask a local who is the best real estate company on Anna Maria Island and you will find the vast majority tell you “Island Real Estate is an institution on Anna Maria Island that has dominated the local market for more than 15 years.  You wont go wrong with any of the sales professionals at Island Real Estate.”

Visit our Real Estate sales professional page or our real estate listings on Anna Maria Island.